My Mission

As a former educator of 12 years, I understand the obstacles that stand in the way of big financial decisions, such as homeownership. When we are making "just enough" it is challenging to build savings to cover closing costs, down payments, and other costs associated with homeownership. And when we budget and look at what we need to sacrifice in our daily lives, and the amount of time it will take to build the savings, it feels very unmotivating. I began a part-time career as a real estate agent while I was still teaching and quickly learned about the great financial assistance programs available to teachers and first-time home buyers that help make the dream a reality. I shared this information with teachers in my building and was able to help 4 teachers in my first year as a part-time agent.

From here, it became very clear to me what I needed to do. My passion to help educate students shifted to helping educate teachers on available programs and creating a system to guide them through the entire home-buying process. I have built a team of leaders in the industry who share the same passion to help others. We have successfully helped numbers of teachers buy their first, second, and even third homes. We work hard every day to help get the information to teachers, have one on one conversations to set goals that are 12 months, 6 months, and 3 months away from ownership, and keep a close eye on changes to the market and programs so we can remain experts in our field. I strongly believe that Teachers are some of the hardest working, passionate, and selfless people. They deserve the same opportunity to build wealth through homeownership as any other professional working in their community, and it is my mission to help provide that opportunity.